Look, the EF blogbook wrote such sweet things about me on their website!! I can’t believe that these are my last days.. It’s already Wednesday afternoon now here.. I’m gonna miss this place! How you can go to the beach every day, watch the sunset, go party, meet amazing people from EVERYWHERE, and I can go on for hours with this list.. I’m going out and enjoy the last days!!! Don’t want to think about going back to school at home now… Not yet. Haha! XOX
You have such a nice blog!! I’ve found you on the ef blogbook page :) I totally understand why you don’t wanna leave. I had the same. I went to EF london, and it was amazing!
Ah thank you, that’s so sweet! Oh that sounds nice too, yes it’s so hard.. Though it’s really nice to see everyone from home again!
Veel plezier op je laatste daagjes!