(from left to right) Michael Kors watch – Tiffany & Co. + Hermès bracelet
Hi there lovelies! Oh… I’m in the middle of my exams, what a drama! Wish I could write/publish more (outfit) posts, but I really have to study… Pfff, anyone else suffering too?
You might recognize this too: wearing a standard assembly of your jewelry (while you’re also having other ones!). Well, I am one of those people. In the morning – when in hurry – I grap for these and I never seem to have time to put on some other ones as well.
Of course, this isn’t always a bad thing. I do think keeping it simple is best. What’s your opinion?
Oh, and besides exams today ís an exciting day! Right after my exams I’m off to Fab. headquarters to brainstorm for a school bag design!! If you have any ideas or want to tell what a bag should have to make it pretty and practical: let me know!
More about this and my other exciting plans later this week..
Stay tuned!! Big kiss, Britt
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Oh wauw, wat een ontzettend mooie armband zeg!
Ah dankjewel Suze!!
wauw dat armbandje! wat een cutie
Ah dankje!! :)
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