Hi there! As I’ve told you about earlier, I had a photoshoot of Grazia last Saturday. As you might have seen on Instagram by the hashtag: #GraziaInstaFashionShoot eight other girls and I had to play photographer for a day: with our phones! It was really fun, but also new and not only for us. For the models it was a whole new experience as well!
After a few minutes adjusting to 10 cameras in front of them from all different angles, instead of just 1, they learnt how to utilize it to the fullest with the best results.
Want to see the photos I shot and what this shoot was about?
L: Pretty Chanel boots – R: Fun on set with the girls!

As you could see on the first photo, styling collected so many beautiful clothes to style the models with (that room was a bit of a fashion walhalla – haha). The theme of the shoot was tribal: lately you see cultural influence in clothing too, think exotic prints and fabrics, but also animal like pieces.. You name it!
This shoot was arranged differently than regular shoots. This time it was our turn to play the photographer, but why? I can hear you thinking, because I was wondering about the same. May 7th a new Grazia will be in store all about social media. So who could better shoot these photos than us 9 Instagram fanatics? Make sure you’ll buy that one with some of my photos in it! :)
All with all it was such a great day, met some really sweet girls and saw some again I already knew. We all shot LOTS of pictures, so the Grazia team will have a lot to choose from for the editorial, haha!
Ugh, I’m super busy with school these days, I really have to stay focused.. It’ll be the last days before my finals, so I have to stay on track. It’s hard to combine it with blogging, but I’m trying my best! So I’m sorry if you won’t hear too much of me. On Instagram I’ll probably stay active as always!
Going to do something fun after school today though (if everything goes as planned), I’ll meet up with my friend Saranda to go to a press day together in Amsterdam. Can’t wait to see her again!
I’ll keep you posted and I hope you liked this report!! Have a great day. Lots of love, Britt
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Super leuke post! Ik volg je nu via bloglovin, zou het leuk vinden als je ook eens een kijkje komt nemen op mijn blog en mij ook volgt.
Aah, leuk! Dankjewel, zal een kijkje nemen op je blog! :)