Hello there!! How was your weekend? Mine wasn’t that good.. I’ve been studying all weekend (during the day and even at night) and it will be like that for the upcoming 5 days. Anyone else experiencing the same with exams?
Though the business, a little update is here with my current must haves / wish list. I called it pastels, but oops you’ve caught me cheating. There’s two black items in it! Still I really want to add more soft, pastel colors to my winter/spring wardrobe. All the black is getting a bit boring, haha. It’s just that it’s so tempting and easy.
So, what’s on Januarys list? From left to right, starting at the top.
ASOS Coral beanie To keep your head, and ears, warm during the upcoming cold winter days. And of course to still look fashionable!
Balenciaga wallet How beautiful is this wallet? It’ll perfectly match with my new bag, so if anyone was looking for a belated birthday gift…. Haha.
Marc Jacobs cable knit Because I still need a good cream/off white cable knit for this season. Unfortunately this one’s too expensive for me, for a cheaper version, click here.
Zara black heels Because every girls needs a pair of sexy, black lace heels. This pair is perfect for a night out.
Zara blue denim Because I just found out that all my jeans are either too light for winter, or ripped.. And we Dutchies cannot have enough jeans, right?
Zara faux leather jacket Oh I am so obsessed with this CĂ©line inspired jacket, I’ll go order it tomorrow right after school, so it will be delivered when I’ve finished my tough week full of exams. Then I’ll deserve a present, right?
T by Alexander Wang soft knit Okay, a bit (more than a bit) out of my budget, even in sale. But how pretty is this soft pink knit? I would love to add this one to my wardrobe, or at least something similar.
I’m gonna run to bed now, gotta get up early! Good night!! XOX
PS. Good luck surviving Monday everyone, haha.
Hi! Leuke blog heb je :) Ik kan het blauwe leren jasje van Zara niet op de site vinden. Hoe ga je het bestellen? Ik wil hem zelf ook erg graag!
Dankjewel! Oh.. Hij staat er inderdaad niet meer op nu, vanmorgen nog wel maar was nog niet in de winkel.. Even geduld dan maar!
Oh wauw, dat jasje, de beanie en de portemonnee! Ik ken het probleem, ik heb ook een toetsweek met tien toetsen, maar moet er maar voor gaan als ik dit examenjaar wil knallen :)
Oeiii pittig, sterkte ermee!! Haha ja, ik heb hetzelfde. Komt goed!
Hello babes! Super leuke inspiratie post, we gaan snel even Amsterdam in! Shooten, koffie, zara etc. :) Succes met je tentamens!
Dankjewel lieverd! Aah jaa gezellig, we appen volgende week wel even!!